Have any of you installed the dishy on a tall tower or tree >60ft? We’re really not in an ideal setting for Starlink in the middle of a forest mountain with tall pine trees, some that are 100+ft high.
I’m thinking of getting a tree climber to install this thing on one of our big pine trees, with the 150ft cable. He’s done this for about 15 clients already and getting it up there is great, but would like to get your ideas on how to best ground the system?
My other route is to build a tall tower, though this will certainly be the more expensive option. We really don’t have any good service providers and this is where my heads at. Any thoughts suggestions would be helpful.
Btw our roof is up 40ft, but even that is going to get obstructed. Here’s a pic, I took the picture standing at the east end, facing west. NW is at the back of the house going into the mountains. This is why I’m putting this out there.

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Haunt area auctions for Rohn 25 Tower sections. It's cheaper that way. Between 7 to ten sections should get you up above the trees. You'll need to guy it out above 50ft iirc, possibly 2x (2 sets of 3 separate guy lines).
starlinktree.com Washington, Oregon, Idaho.
gotaclearview.com Arizona, Nevada, California.
Price is is between $1500 and $2500 for either.
We can extend the cable to just about any distance from the router to the mounting location on all versions of starlink gen1 gen2 and business highpower.
The dishy is grounded at the tree base at the injector.
Did you ever get your starlink installed in your tree?
I think your biggest concern by far with a setup like that would be it swaying in the wind. After 2 months on Starlink I'm convinced the system doesn't like any movement of the dish. In a year or two that might change, but while it still builds satellite numbers that seems to be the case.
I am in a similar situation as you. I used the app to check for obstruction and found the best spot on the property (not in a tree) is at 5.5% obstruction and the app says to find a better location.
After I get the gen 2 dishy in hand I will be attempting exactly what you are asking. I am a bit worried that even the 150ft cable will be to short but I will find out.
I would have a concern about the tree swaying during windy conditions. Please update this post if you do decided to install in the tree?
I have a similar situation that keeps it off the house, fortunately I am using a dock on a lake. I have had to move 3 times to find the best location including when the snow was over 3 ft.
The lines are too short, the kit was built for a house and there are a lot of issues once you exceed their lengths. I acquired a line booster but have not installed it yet. The router is now outside wrapped in plastic facing one side of the house. Want to tie into a full house network.
2. the dish needs a 360 view, although it points north. I say the north was most important. I still get dinged for having trees on the lake side.
Ideal would be middle of lake or in an open field
Can get very good speeds but in a live chat, with no buffer, I can lose the connection for 10-15 seconds. Hear new satellite technology will provide a better hand off between satellites as they pass
Keep moving it until you find best spot.
Sorry forgot to answer about grounding, I recommend calling your local regulators or electrical contractors. They should be willing to help guide you in the right direction. Looks like you have a 2nd Gen system, so running some sort of surge arresting power bar, or better yet a UPS(Unified Power Source) will help protect your home.
Are you getting a local contractor wire up a separate outlet? If so that is when the surge arresting equipment and grounding should be completed..
Your also limited to Starlinks 150ft cable....what were your thoughts on this?
Will Dishy be at the very top of the tree and the router a the base, with power running to it?
Hello Mitesh, nice place you have there, and good question. I have not mounted the Starlink to a tree...yet,. It sounds like a a feasible idea. Build a little perch for it to be attached too. strap it safely to the tree. The only catch for me is access, once the Dishy is perched that high up in a tree, you'll have very limited access if needed. That being said it would be a lot cheaper then building a tower. The towers access for future is much better and easier to work with, and the structural mounting of the system is much safer. But maybe you don't need to do either? Have you used the Starlink Obstruction Viewer? Just because your close to tall trees doesn't necessarily mean they'll be in the way, you can download the Starlink app before you have an account to map out your locations services.
Couple of other questions for you...
I'm unsure of how much of the land is yours around you, definitely walk around and look for your clearest patch. do you have any shops, sheds, power outlets around your property?