Can anyone tell why I received a refund of my $99 deposit that has been in place for almost a year. I did not request it and am worried that my place in line might be lost. Two of my neighbors recently received their units. I have not received any emails from Starlink.
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Thanks for the suggestions. Your thoughts have made me dig a little deeper and now have a possible scenario. I made two deposits for two different addresses. and used two different email addresses also. I set the first account all okay and it still appears to be active and waiting. When I got the email confirmation for my second order an also received and ord# but I failed to setup another account with password etc. My mistake. I have generated a request to ask what I should do but suspect that I will have to start again. My original account seems to be ok and I hope to see the email asking for final payment real soon. Two neighbors on my same rural road received their equipment a couple weeks ago. Thanks again.
Hello Rick, welcome to the community! Well I would be a little startled to say the least if this happened to me. I'm not sure as this is the first I've heard of this situation, but my gut tells me you've been refunded for a reason...and probably not just because you've been patient and deserve it. Because you signed up with Starlink you will an account that you can log into with Starlink. Go into your account and see if it tells you anything, you also can submit a ticket to them in here as well. You should have been receiving emails from Starlink all along, like when you ordered the system a confirmation would've been sent...double check your emails and make sure your using the right account that matches your Starlink login, make sure it's not miss spelt and check spam files. I'm just wondering if they have been trying to contact you and because they haven't heard back they have cancelled the account...(I don't know this so don't get to worried). The silver lining here might be that most people who are ordering there systems now are getting them in less then a week, the last one we ordered only took 3 days before it was at our door. So if things did go sideways on you(Hopefully not) then you still might be able to get in and have your own system quickly. Hope this helps.